VIRTUAL CONCERT 2.0 | 24th April 2021

7:30pm, Sat, 24 Apr 2021

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Performance
    Start time: 7:30pm
    Venue: A link to YouTube will appear on this web page on the day of the concert.
    Description: VIRTUAL CONCERT 2.0 | 24th April 2021
    Well, here it is, our second virtual concert. We'd hoped that we wouldn't have to do this, but we are nonetheless very excited to present our programme to you! 

    The Sing it Loud Members have been working extremely hard (again) learning and recording 3 new songs, fabulously arranged by our pianist Erica Avery,  in their own homes. Virtual Concert 2.0 will bring all of these new songs, combined with some of our favourite 'in-person' performances from the past. This one is not to be missed! 

    The virtual concert is still being edited, so we can't give out that link yet, but when it's ready it will appear on this webpage. All you need to do is navigate back here on concert day (24th April) and the details will be ready for you before the concert premieres at 7:30pm. 


    You can also watch via YouTube on your smart TV. You can search either 'SILVC', or 'Sing it Loud Virtual Concert 2.0'. Make sure you don't accidentally watch the first virtual concert again though! 

    We are not charging for this concert but we would love to do some fundraising for our nominated charity, CLAPA. Please donate by following the link: 

    You can also watch the concert below, but you cant do things like live chat (during the premiere) so it's best to use YouTube on YouTube...if that makes sense: